All Is Chosen
By Laura Basha, PhD
Available in Hardcover through BookBaby or Paperback on Amazon & Olympia Publishing see links

Love expands.
Fear creates distance.
Love embraces, for there is no separation.
”Life is a Rehearsal for Life”
~ from All Is Chosen, by Dr. Laura Basha, Phd
You can order your copy here:
BookBaby ⋅9X12 hardcover with dustjacket, 4-color through out, 132 pages
Amazon⋅5.5 x 8.25, 4-color color through out, 92 pages
Olympia Publishers⋅5x5 x 8.25, 4-color through out, 92 pages
* The story of this original handmade book by Dr. Laura Basha
is on this site under the drop-down menu:
“All Is Chosen”
Handmade Limited Edition⋅Pricing Available Upon Request

“All Is Chosen is a handmade artbook, based on a series of eight paintings painted over the last 10 years, each representing an archetypal image of what it means to be a human being. It is also a compendium of a particular focus of my life’s work, the spiritual underpinnings if you will of my transformational coaching over these last 35 years with thousands of multi-cultured, multi-generational, multi-gendered people from all walks of life.
All Is Chosen is also inspired by this time period in our human history. We are currently confronted on a global scale by the rise in consciousness of the possibility of making choices from love as opposed to making choices from fear. What we are mostly seeing through our media is the stronghold of fear influencing choices that are taking a tremendous toll both on our humanity as well as on our climate and planet. Fear is strong, yet Love is stronger.”
“Underneath our individual uniqueness is the Truth of Oneness.”
~ Laura Basha ~

Archetype Seven in Handmade Limited Edition • Pricing Availbale Upon Request
Digital art print on goat vellum, from the original handmade book by Laura Basha.
Digital print of the original acrylic on canvas painting by Laura Basha
From the Introduction
“How does our humanity limit us, and how do we get free from habitual ways of thinking and acting? How do we self-realize and quietly access our eternal essence?
What is meant by ‘all is chosen’? What is meant by ‘choice’? How do we awaken to conscious choice? It is my hope that the symbolic signposts to those answers lie within the poetry and paintings in this book. …
Let us practice being present, in the moment of now—no attention paid to thinking. Over-identification with thinking results in suffering.
Underneath our individual uniqueness is the Truth of Oneness.”