Growth Mindset: Connecting to the Source of Creativity
Laura Basha
Painting By: Laura Basha
Be fascinated, seduced, terrified and compelled
by transformation, creativity, and authentic self expression.
Freedom for the human spirit and human psyche is
our collective aspiration
as well as our birthright,
and is inherent in the evolution of consciousness.
A growth mindset is not something to get.
It is a vantage point to come from.
Growth is a realm. It is the realm of Power.
“Standing” in this realm is standing in the Source of Creativity and
listening for what you don’t know;
listening for what’s available from the Source of Infinite Intelligence.
There is nothing to do to get a growth mindset.
There is no where to go to get a growth mindset.
There is being willing to listen for what you don’t know
in the midst of the cacophony of what you think.
Growth is a realm.
It is the realm of Power.
There is no gauntlet being thrown down eliciting defensiveness.
There is only the cultivating of a listening for a challenge to your certainty
without feeling challenged.
To cultivate a growth mindset is to stand in the certainty
of what you are committed to,
grounded in your own integrity,
without being threatened by a different perspective.
The realm of Growth is the realm of Power and
it is the safest and most creative place to listen from
because it is not personal.
In the realm of Growth,
there is only awakening to what you are interested in,
and a willingness to experience insight,
resulting in the cultivation of a growth mindset.
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