“Morning Meditation,” 2018 Painting By Laura Basha
I have been interested in spirituality and metaphysics since I was a young girl.
“The Twilight Zone” and “One Step Beyond” were TV shows that fascinated me, so much so that I would always have my homework done on the days the shows aired!
I studied for the ministry in my late 20’s and early 30’s, only to realize that a congregation wasn’t really what I was interested in. I felt I needed to be out in the world, working with the general public. Thus began the foundational development for becoming an organizational psychologist, and mastering a model of psychology that had at its foundation spirituality.*
In my mid-thirties I came across the ontological methodology that would become a major thread in the tapestry of this life experience. It is from the over 30+ years of being in this study that this art book with its archetypal images has evolved and emerged.
There are personal truths. There are world truths. There are universal truths. These archetypal images, their haikus, and the accompanying text, are my personal truth expression of how these universal truths integrate and expand into our understanding of all three of these truths.
Over these thirty plus years, I have validated the truth and applicability of this methodology in my own life. The understanding I have gained from this focused study has not only illuminated complex, confusing, and sometimes painful life experiences, it has freed me from suffering born from those experiences. Inculcating the teaching of this study has assisted me in deepening my capacity of compassion for myself and others, and for what it means to be a human being.
It is a deep reverence for and commitment to the awakening of human consciousness that has inspired my understanding and interpretation of these Truths.
May All Is Chosen in ways great or small,
catalyze our evolution from unconscious human being
to consciously Being human.
* See: The Inward Outlook, by Dr. Laura Basha