The Power of Conscious Choice
Laura Basha
“Conscious choice implies connection to our essence, to being present in the moment,
where life actually and only occurs.
This knowledge not only aids in discovering our true self-expression, it automatically moves us towards the full optimization of it.”
~ from The Inward Outlook, by Dr. Laura Basha
What does it mean to “consciously choose”? How could it be otherwise? When we make a choice aren’t we obviously aware of it?
Actually, not always.
So much of what we choose is in fact unconscious, choices given automatically from internal thinking that incessantly speaks like a ticker tape, a tape that is so familiar that we don’t recognize it as thinking, but just how life actually occurs. Until we can become aware of the unconscious patterns of thought from which we create an entire life experience, we are at the mercy of the impact of life happening to us, rather than from the powerful and joyful stance of life being experienced through us.
A very good practice is to become aware of the incessant thinking that consistently seduces us away from experiencing the peace of mind and well-being that permeates a quiet mind. Practice being present in whatever circumstance you find yourself, with no attention paid to thinking. Consciously choosing to not pay attention to your thoughts, but rather to pay attention to what is in front of you, say, a flower, or a child, or your pet dog, or the sky as you sit in traffic, or the in and out rhythm of your breath, without any attention to the internal commentary about what you are perceiving, will give you access to the quietness of the present moment.
Once you have even the briefest experience of the present moment, and you see how stress, worry, and complaining disappear, you have the beginning of seeing how to consciously choose. It is from the quiet power of the silence abiding in the present moment that wisdom emerges. From wisdom, inspiration, lightheartedness, even joy, you can see choices available that were previously obscured by thinking. Consciously choosing from this present-moment wisdom creates a life of quiet focus, power, creativity, ease, and confidence.
Our true self-expression naturally emerges as we are one with the only moment in which life actually occurs – the present moment of now.