The Text

“Each one of us is a combination of influences of many characteristics and traits. Each of us is not simply one of these archetypal roles, but a combination of four, and those four remain the heart of our true essence expression throughout all of our many incarnations.
From the ballast of our four constant archetypes, experienced through the multiple evolutionary cycles of reincarnation, we come to understand every aspect of what it means to be a human being.
We have an identity in form: our bodies and personalities. We have Essence identity
—our true Self—
which is the expression of eternal Source through us.
Freedom from suffering arises when we know ourselves as this immortal essence.”
~ from the “Introduction”
“Choice will occur, either through love or fear…
Are we unconsciously choosing, thus a victim to our own thinking, or are we consciously choosing, thus aware of our thinking, being the conscious creator of our own experience?
True action takes place first in thought.”
~ from the chapter “on Choice”

“Love is the highest Truth.
When we are able to foster love in the life, from love of self, to love of children, to love of nature, then we are much better able to be open to making direct contact, essence contact, with our fellows.
It is through such moments as these that real and true evolutionary progress is made.”
~ from the chapter “on Love”
“It is well known that fear is strong. Only Love is stronger than fear.
When fear is strong, the creative resources within a person become less available, and sometimes completely inaccessible.
It is possible, however, to relinquish fear, to relinquish control and find one’s peace.”
~ from the chapter “on Fear”
“Each Role in Essence has a positive and negative polarity, or outlook. Each positive or negative outlook has a particular expression that is informed either by love or by fear.
Whatever our roles in essence, each of us has available both the positive and negative expressions of the characteristics of our chosen roles.
With awareness, you can then re-think choice, able to contribute through choosing from the positive polarity of love.
As each of us awakens to our own archetypal roles, our own connection to essence, our individual awakening catalyzes awakening in all who think of us, all who speak of us, and in all whom we contact.
An expanded awakening in human consciousness emerges.”
~from the chapter “Distinctions”
“So ... why write this book on this subject?
I want to creatively share some of the underpinnings of my successful transformational work with people from all walks of life. Opinions about gender, age, and cultural differences complicate what is useful in assisting people from getting free from suffering and the limitations of the past.
We are all, in truth, in the same boat. Perceived differences are of the world of transient form. Transient form comes and goes. All that is living dies and returns to dust, or more accurately, returns to the One Substance out of which All Things are formed.”
~ from the chapter “Conclusion”

“This handmade book is the distilled creative expression of a life-long metaphysical study, verified by years of experiences, joys and sorrows, inner battles as well as outer accomplishments. Throughout this study I have also had many comrades in many guises, to all whom I am deeply grateful.
… to you, the reader, my heartfelt love and appreciation. For without you, so that we walk together, the illumined flame of our birthright would lie in dormant embers.”
Onward in Truth,
Laura Basha